Our speaker, Greg Freeman. presented “A Century of Daffodil Hybridizing: Using Advancements in Color, Form and Size to Advantage.” He explored how gardeners can use daffodils, new and old, to enhance their gardens and landscapes and educated us all on the many, many different daffodils that are historic, classic and new. Freeman is an author, editor, singer and songwriter. An avid gardener, he grows a variety of plants, and is a daffodil exhibitor, hybridist, and judge. A former editor of The Daffodil Journal, he is the publisher of several digital publications, including http://www.SouthernEdition.com, which is devoted to the American South and includes a department devoted to gardening in the South. Greg Freeman’s Garden Chronicle, one of his latest ventures, is accessible at GregFreeman.garden . ” order_by=”sortorder” order_direction=”ASC” returns=”included” maximum_entity_count=”500″] Related Images:
Author: Becky Wolary
Gwinnett County Master Gardener - Class of 2010