We celebrated Black History Month by welcoming Fulton County Extension Agent, Abra Lee, and Fulton County MGEV Tommy Butler as they presented ‘African-American Gardening.’ The presentation entailed: the history of African American garden design including its arrival to the United States via West Africa; the link between African American gardens and those found in other Afro communities throughout the African Diaspora; key features of African American Garden design and its influence on Southern Garden design; and pictures of African American Gardens. The lunch-time presentations brought new understanding about how gardens and garden arrangement in the US particularly have been impacted by African-American culture and heritage — and how this Heritage evolved along with other garden design types. Abra’s presentation was lovely and informative. ” order_by=”sortorder” order_direction=”ASC” returns=”included” maximum_entity_count=”500″] Related Images:
Author: Becky Wolary
Gwinnett County Master Gardener - Class of 2010