The full pdf copy of this edition is available here.

By Glenn Parsons
Today I watched a TV show about global warming and then my favorite weatherman reported the USA is having the worst winter in 100 years! Without getting caught up in the debate, I retreated to many new garden catalogs in an effort to pass some time and plan my gardening for spring. As I write this, it
seems we are experiencing our last really cold snap for the year and the anticipation of warmer weather
makes my garden beckon. Hopefully in a month or so I will be walking in one of the many Gwinnett County parks looking for Spring Ephemerals and other signs of the change in season. Like many of you, spring is my favorite time of the year. I have previously reported that our annual auction was a great success. Several favorable comments have reached me and many of you said the auction this year was a lot of fun. Again, I would like to thank all those responsible for planning and conducting the auction. I am thankful there are so many talented people in the GMGA. Our most important fund raising project of the year is the plant sale to be held in May. Hopefully, many of you are planning to donate plants to be sold. I encourage all of you to get these plants “potted-up” as soon as possible so they will be growing and look good for the sale. You will be receiving frequent messages from R.S. Buell, our plant sale coordinator, requesting you to volunteer to participate in the plant sale. We need your help. So when you see the sign-up sheets at our monthly meetings, please come forward. If you have not volunteered in a long while, it will be great to see you!
More articles from this edition:
The History of the Gwinnett Master Gardeners Association – By Kathy Parent
Coleus: Color So Bright “I Gotta Wear Shades” – By Shannon Pable
The Enchanting Moonlit Garden – Marlene Gillman
Mycorrhizal Inoculation: Does It Benefit Plant Growth? – By Dan Willis
Got Ants on Your Feeders? & Other Hummingbird Info – By Bobbie Higginbotham
Our featured speaker at the GMG membership meeting began was Theresa Schrum with a presentation on “Building Habitats.” As the
owner of Eco Terra Landscape Consultants, she brings expertise as a Georgia and Gwinnett Master Gardener, radio talk show host on
the Walter Reeves Show, native plant enthusiast, environmentalist, and entomologist.
Theresa provided a guide to species and groupings of native plants that create food and shelter for Georgia’s nesting birds and beneficial insect populations, throughout the year.
Glenn Parsons opened the business meeting with a call to activism in the Association and stressed the need for volunteer help to make this year’s plant sale the best ever.
RS Buell, Plant Sale Chair, has been working behind the scenes with his task force to structure the Plant Sale Committee for the design and logistics of the big event.