The full pdf copy of this edition is available here.
I’m writing this, as we are just ending spring and a very busy time with volunteer service.
We have just finished a successful Plant Sale making approximately $4000.00. I want to thank everyone involved in the effort.
The Garden Tour will have been completed by the time you read this. I know it will be successful as well. Everyone gets ideas for our gardens from other Master Gardeners homes.
We also will have gotten together at our June picnic at McDaniel Farm to celebrate these successes. I know the plant swap will have been exciting as we exchange plants at the picnic.
July, August and September are usually slower months for us, but I would encourage you to keep working at ongoing projects, such as Bethesda Senior Center, McDaniel Farm Park, Vines Gardens, and answering the phone at the Master Gardener’s Desk at the Extension office.
We have reached the halfway point in our year, and we will be looking for people to serve on the MG board. Please contact Anne Heath,, if you are interested in helping out with our activities.
Also, many of the Farmer’s Markets will have Master Gardeners working at them, so be sure to say hello.
Remember that the Gwinnett County Master Gardeners are committed to serve our community through outreach projects that promote the love of gardening, projects, preserving our environment, and encourage the sharing of knowledge. These actions are demonstrated by the gift of thousands of your volunteer hours that are recorded by the UGA Extension office.
Have a great summer.
Other articles in this issue:
Atlanta’s Summer Birds: Listening, Seeing, Watching, Learning – By Joel Hitt
Perennials For Beginning Gardeners In Georgia – By Lya Sorano
Fall Vegetables – By Jane Burke