JUNE — A nature advocate and wildlife photographer and a Hall County Master Gardener, Karin Hicks spoke on “Creating a Hedgerow for Wildlife.” She shared her adventures with creating a hedge row that met the standards of her HOA. Using a variety of plants with natives being the backbone, she created layers of plants to support wildlife and create privacy. Due to the mixed nature of a hedgerow loosing one plant won’t create a gap tooth look that happens if one plants a uniform hedge using one type of plant such as Leyland Cyprus or Boxwoods. Karin shared her plant list which is a good starting point. Use sites such as NWF.ORG plant list function, GNPS.ORG for plant descriptions, and Missouri Botanical Garden Plant Finder, www.missouribotanicalgarden.org, to read about plant needs and native status. For more information on hedge rows check out: What is a Hedgerow and Why You Should…