We are proud to be the host organization for the 2017 Georgia Master Gardeners Association Annual Conference, “THE GREEN TABLE” on Saturday, October 7, 2017 The event will be held at the Gwinnett Environmental & Heritage Center in Buford as GMGA brings together master gardeners from around the state for their annual conference. The 2017 conference theme is “The Green Table” featuring Joe Lamp’l as the Keynote speaker. In addition to the conference, on Friday afternoon, October 6th, four 2-hour workshops are being held at Bogan Park, also in Buford, and are open to the public and non-conference attendees. Questions? Contact Carol Teja 2017gmga@gmail.com for more info, and to register, use the following link: http://georgiamastergardeners.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=d772352fe18fad82e98f393f1&id=45cd43b554&e=5febe12a2a Related Images: