Fragrant plants, the swish of flowing water, and the whisper of wind chimes carried by the gentle evening breezes enhance the mystery of summer twilight. Although white flowers in daylight are a pleasing picture creating a felling of coolness and refinement, the moonlit garden is enchanting with flower shapes standing out as if they were lights themselves. At evening time, settle yourself into a comfortable Adirondack, sip on a refreshing beverage, and enjoy your Moonlit Garden. What plants will you be enjoying in your garden? What qualities make them special? What combination of lighting and garden accents will enhance the garden experience? While searching for the perfect combination of plants for your moonlit garden select those with light flower coloration of various heights and fragrances. Select silvery iridescent foliage, different textures, or night blooming flowers. The poplar Dusty Miller (Senecio cineraria) is a half-hardy perennial whose lacey silver-gray leaves bask…