Our August 21, 2014 meeting hosted Ellen Honeycutt as our featured speaker. Ellen considers herself to be an average gardener with perhaps an above-average passion about it! She watched her dad putter around the yard growing up but didn’t get bitten by the bug until the mid-1990s and then was introduced to the concept of “native plants” in 2000 and joined the Georgia Native Plant Society. Fostering an appreciation for native plants is now a passion and Ellen loves teaching others how to use native plants in their gardens. Our knowledgeable speaker gave an excellent presentation of Native Plants of North Georgia and listed them in order of bloom time. With her permission, the list she provided for handouts is copied here. Please click on the link below to see the document. Native Shrubs of North Georgia Related Images:
Author: Becky Wolary
Gwinnett County Master Gardener - Class of 2010