Shirley Bohm, one of our member MGEV’s, wrote the following for a group of Girl Scouts who volunteered to plant pansies at Vines Park to earn their gardening badge. It’s a great article full of information. Pansies. Pansies are annuals that can be planted from seeds or transplants. Seeds have to be started 6-8 weeks before planting in the garden but transplants are readily available at most nurseries and many other stores. Pansies and their cousins, violas, violets and johnny-jump-ups, will bloom for 6-8 months, depending on the weather. Pansies are cool weather plants and can even survive under snow cover. The ideal temperature for pansies is 40-60°F. Below 40°F, roots shut down and can’t transport water and nutrients to the leaves. Pansies protect themselves during cold weather by temporarily wilting. The dry leaves are not damaged by the cold. As the weather warms, the roots send water back up…
Author: Becky Wolary
Gwinnett County Master Gardener - Class of 2010