Spring has sprung and summer is coming fast. Most of our spring crops are done and replaced with warm weather vegetables. We pulled out or finished broccoli, collards, radishes, sugar snap peas and potatoes. Currently we’re picking carrots, swiss chard, romaine, kohlrabis, turnips, beets, onions, garlic, bell peppers, jalapenos, parsley and zucchini. Sweet potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, bush beans, pole beans, basil and butternut squash are growing. Blackberries have started along the fence and the bushes are loaded. The few blueberries that survived the freezes this spring are starting to turn color. I’d be interested in hearing what everyone else is growing.
We’ve had some real successes with our workdays. Brad arranged for 6 Gwinnett volunteers to come out on a workday and were they hard workers! We also had a boy scout troop come out. We arranged a cucumber planting project for them to take home but they brought us a present too; a sweet potato that was planted in a pot and sprouting already. We have a workday every second Saturday of the month so people who work can come to volunteer. Participation has been increasing so we have 12-13 people every time including a grandkid or two. It’s so nice to see these kids interested in gardening and actually helping.
Now’s the time to think about entering something from your community garden in the Gwinnett County Fair, September 14-24, 2023. You can time your planting or choose something that is ready then. There is a list of categories (fruits, vegetables, herbs, flowers) on the Gwinnett County Fair website at www.gwinnettcountyfair.com/p/getconnected/exhibits/field-crops. Scroll down to the bottom of the page on the left. If you’re interested, I can send you the “Field Crop/Home Garden Exhibit Judging Criteria for Entries.