Welcome to a shiny brand new Master Gardener year! And welcome to our 26 new Interns. 26 is the biggest class ever!

We have so many great things happening, that it is hard to know where to begin.
With a little help from all of you, 2011 promises to be a banner year for volunteer and educational opportunities. Even if you can’t dig and carry heavy things, we have volunteer opportunities for our Master Gardeners and Friends of Master Gardeners on every project. As a Master Gardener with a really bad back, I can tell you that you should not hesitate to participate in any project that looks interesting. There is always something that can be done without much physical effort.
So, what do you think of our new website, www.gwinnettmg.com? How about our lineup of monthly meeting speakers for 2011? And, for those of you in northwest Gwinnett, we will be meeting at George Pierce Park in July and August while the Bethesda Senior Center is being renovated so it will be even easier to join us on the third Monday of each month.
Coming up very soon is a new Speakers Bureau. Do you enjoy talking to groups about gardening? Did you know that we have dozens of presentations on all sorts of gardening subjects ready to go? And we have a laptop and projector that can be signed out by a Master Gardener for a presentation. Watch the e-mails for a chance to signup for this volunteer opportunity.
I could go on and on with lists of opportunities and exciting new projects. I do urge everyone to take the time to read the weekly e-mail message from the Extension Office. It’s all in there. Working with your fellow Master Gardeners on projects is the most fun you can have. Come on and join us.
I look forward to seeing you on a project location soon.