The Atlanta Track Club has awarded the Gwinnett County Master Gardeners Association $2,500 for participation in the 2012 Adopt a Marathon Mile—and, we have been invited back for 2013! A very special thanks to our Adopt a Marathon Mile volunteers! We had 44 in our cheering squad and all of our volunteers were super enthusiastic and looked great in their costumes! We had fun — and it was so rewarding to hear the thank you’s from the runners for being there to support them. If couldn’t participate in this event this year, please join us in 2013. 2012 Volunteers Karen Alexander M. J. Blackshear Suzi Caapel Judy Chesser Karen Depew Gordon Depew Alice Dunn Daniel Dunn Terri Ervin Susan Hendricks Mary Ann Hindes Greg Marldo Jo Pell Holbrook Dewey Holbrook Maggie Howze Greg Mauldin Sherry McCann Elba McCue Bob McCue Karen McGinty Jane Montgomery Scott Mullennix Teri Nallett-Carmine George Nash…