An adventurous group of Gwinnett County Master Gardeners traveled to Southern Highlands Reserve located in western North Carolina. At an elevation of 4500’, summer is later there and we enjoyed cooler weather and different flora. The average temperature for this date is still in the upper 70’s! The wildflowers were in bloom and there was plenty of shade to make this July field trip a pleasure. The Reserve’s 120 acres are dedicated to celebrating the natural history of the Southern Appalachian Highlands, and was well worth a beautiful drive with friends to just inside our neighboring North Carolina. The Highlands’ Core Park is home to destination gardens such as The Woodland Glade, The Azalea Walk, The Wildflower Labyrinth and Vaseyi Pond. These are manicured display gardens planted with native species and their cultivars. The Reserve is home to a vast array of naturally occurring native plants and one of the largest natural stands…