Dr. Wilf Nicholls, Director of the Georgia Botanical Gardens, gave a thought provoking talk on the concepts of adding winter interest to the garden with beautiful foliage, berries, and bark at the meeting on February 11.
As a native of London, England, Dr. Nicholls shared his deep knowledge of plants on both edges of the continent and how they can be used to brighten our winter landscapes. His decades of experience in the conservation of native flora, plant research, breeding and the introduction of new plants to horticulture added even more interest to dispelling our “winter blues.” He highlighted his many and varied experiences in the breeding and release to the public of the Mandarin honeysuckle and the Starbright mock orange shrub, and his service as the principal investigator of the Plant Atlantic program for ornamental plant research and development.
Dr. Nicholls answered many questions from the audience and provided information on the Georgia Botanical Garden programs and history.