This is the time of year to collect seeds to share with your fellow Master Gardeners in our yearly Seed Exchange.
What to do:
- Collect seed
- Dry seed
- Store dried seed in paper envelopes, labeled
- e-mail Jane Burke with a list of what seeds you have to share (see Kathy’s weekly e-mails for the address)
Once I know what everyone has to share I will e-mail you the list and you can pick what you want. You will receive a list of the seeds people want from you and how many packets of each to make up. You have to offer seed to be able to request seed.
Frequently Asked Questions:
- How many seeds per packet? A: As many as you would like to provide. If you only have a few and several people want what you have, you could provide as few as 10 seeds per packet. If you have a whole bunch to share, go ahead and give them a bunch.
- What must go on the label? A: The common name, botanical name plus variety if possible, flower color, if it is for Sun or Shade and the year the seed was collected. That is the MINIMUM required. If you want to provide more information please go ahead.
- How many different kinds of seed can I request? A: If you only have 3 kinds of seed to share but would like 6 different kinds in return, go ahead and request all 6, or 10 or however many kinds you would like.
- How many packets of each type of seed must I make? A: You only have to make up individual seed packs once the requests go out. If you get 3 requests for a certain seed type then you only make up 3 packets of that kind of seed.
Now – Collect and dry seed now. E-mail Jane Burke with a list of what you have to share (see Kathy’s weekly e-mails for the address). Provide the MINIMUM information mentioned in point 2. of the FAQ above. An Excel spreadsheet would be appreciated but is not required.
October 31, 2011 – last chance to participate in the Seed Exchange by submitting a list of what you have to share
November 1, 2011 – the list of what is available will be e-mailed to you. You can put in your request of what you would like as soon as you are ready. You have TWO WEEKS to put in your request. After November 15 requests will not be accepted.
November 21, 2011 – bring seed packets to the November Master Gardener monthly meeting
December 19, 2011 – bring seed packets to the December Master Gardener monthly meeting
January 16, 2012 – pick up your seed at the Master Gardener monthly meeting
February 16, 2012 – Last chance to pick up your seed at the Master Gardener monthly meeting